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Windows RecycleBin is a special folder on Windows that stores files deleted using the Explorer GUI. When a file is deleted (via Explorer) two types files are generated in the RecycleBin:

  • Files that begin with $I<number>.<original extension>. Contains metadata about deleted file
  • Files that begin with $R<number>.<original extension>. Contents of deleted file

Currently artemis supports parsing the $I based files using the standard Windows APIs to read the file for parsing. It does not try to recover files that have been deleted/emptied from the RecycleBin

Other parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "recyclebin_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "recyclebin"
# alt_file = "C:\\Artifacts\\$IAC12F"

Collection Options

  • alt_file Full path to alternative RecycleBin file. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will parse all RecycleBin files on the system

Output Structure

An array of RecycleBin entries

export interface RecycleBin {
/**Size of deleted file */
size: number;
/**Deleted timestamp of file */
deleted: string;
/**Name of deleted file */
filename: string;
/**Full path to the deleted file */
full_path: string;
/**Directory associated with deleted file */
directory: string;
/**SID associated with the deleted file */
sid: string;
/**Path to the file in the Recycle Bin */
recycle_path: string;